NOTE: To register, use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari internet browser. DO NOT use Internet Explorer.
Monday, January 10, 2022
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET
Download: Calendar Meeting File (.ics)
To register, you will first need to log in or create an account. If you don’t have a CCIM Institute account, select “Create Account” on the main menu before proceeding with your registration.
To obtain CE credit, during course registration you must:
-Purchase CE credit for each course that needs CE credit or you will not be able to access the CE certificate through your CCIM My Account.
Before the course starts:
-Complete your CCIM profile with your CE license/s information under the Professional Licenses tab in My Account. Enter the license type, number, state, and expiration date.
If your real estate commission requires it, you must pass the course with the qualifying score.
Learn in a traditional classroom environment. Interact and network with other professionals in a collaborative, small-group setting.
Learn and apply the CCIM Interest-based Negotiations Model to your most challenging transactions. Learn new, proven strategies to client acceptance that will get you out of the “high/low game” and other tactics that can derail a successful transaction.
Interest-based negotiation is a three-step process that brings discipline to your negotiation strategies. It involves identifying:
- What parties are involved in the negotiation, and what are they seeking?
- What can we do to get the other parties what they need, so that we can get what we want?
- What happens if there is no agreement?
Course Objectives
Through an interactive case study format and role play, you will learn to:
- Satisfy the interests of parties involved in the negotiation (without sacrificing yours)
- Develop strategies for identifying and addressing challenges in a principled, transparent manner
- Maintain a collaborative approach to negotiations
- Effectively communicate the consequences of not reaching an agreement
This workshop satisfies the Institute’s 8-hour negotiation education requirement in earning the CCIM designation
Tech Requirements
This course may require the use of a laptop or desktop computer with full Excel capabilities. Mobile devices, like iPads, tablets, and cellphones, will not run CCIM Institute’s macro-enabled spreadsheets.
PC: Microsoft Office 2000 or higher is necessary to run the CCIM Institute macro-enabled spreadsheets.
Mac: Mac versions of Microsoft Office 2004, 2011, 2016, or 365 are required to run the CCIM Institute macro-enabled spreadsheets.
Browser: CCIM Institute courses are optimized for use with the Google Chrome web browser.

Walt Clements, CCIM
Clements Realty Advisors|President of Acquisitions
Primary Venue
Royal Palm Coast REALTOR Association — Education Center
4081 Center Pointe Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33916