Throughout the FL Chapter our volunteer leaders continue giving back and maximizing the value of being part of the CCIM family.
Our Social Media committee is working closely with our Chapter Sponsor Social Stack to make it easier to export Chapter and District news to Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter. If you have not yet done so, please go to the FLCCIM page for each of these online venues and follow/like us. All of our 8 District Presidents and their Social Media committees have direct access for feeding news to Social Stack. If you have some interesting information related to commercial real estate don’t hesitate to reach out to your District President and feed him or her that news. We want to hear about deals you have closed, especially when more than one CCIM facilitated the transaction. Hey, it’s free press, take advantage of it.
The Central District’s long time sponsor, Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster and Kantor hosted a FLCCIM member only event at their Orlando office where seasoned attorneys gave us an update on complex issues related to commercial leases and shared some interesting horror stories. After the presentation, members enjoyed an open bar and some great food. Central district administrator Dee Dee Steinbeck passed out CCIM business cards that included a QR code linking directly back to an online Chapter Membership application. She gave me permission to steal this idea and I may take it Chapter wide. Keep those great ideas coming.
Over the past month, I had the privilege of listening to presentations from renowned economists and the FL Secretary of Agriculture. The consensus seems to be that 2023 will be a challenging year for commercial real estate but that Florida is still growing and real estate is a place for people. CCIM’s always look for ways to bring value to their clients. Money is made in up markets and down markets and the seasoned professionals that are CCIMs implement Adaptive Reuse strategies better than most.
Rick Gonzalez, CCIM, ALC
2023 FLCCIM Chapter President
About CCIM
“CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. For more than 50 years, CCIMs have been recognized as leading experts in commercial investment real estate. The CCIM lapel pin denotes that the wearer has completed advanced coursework in financial and market analysis, and demonstrated extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry.”
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