NOTE: To register, use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari internet browser. DO NOT use Internet Explorer.
Thursday, February 4 2021
9:00 am – 2:30 pm ET
ULI Tampa Bay’s signature annual event, the 2021 Trends in Real Estate Conference. Hear from both local and national industry leaders and development visionaries on where to place your bets in 2021, gain key insights into forces that are shaping the real estate business in the Tampa Bay region, learn how innovators are developing differently in a post-2020 world… and celebrate Tampa Bay’s ranking as a Top Ten Market!
Attention West Coast District Members! As a member-added benefit, you can use promo 20CCIM21 in the discount code box on the registration payment page to register at the ULI member rates for this West Coast District sponsored event! You must be a member for discount.
FLCCIM WEST COAST District Members: $35
(Use the “20CCIM21” discount code! West Coast members ONLY!)
Non-members/Guests: $50