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Monday, December 7, 2020
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. ET
Ready…Set…Pitch! Join the Florida CCIM Chapter West Coast District Online Commercial Real Estate Monthly Marketing Session!
Make sure all your properties are already on TotalCommercial and your contact information is up to date (if you need access, contact Rick Orr at Then join us and be prepared to pitch your listing!
Here’s how it works:
At the beginning of the meeting, you will be given an email address where you will send the moderator your name.
You will be called on, in order names are received.
When the moderator announces your name, you’re next to present.
Tell us which property you would like to pitch.
Your property will appear on the screen for all to see. Start presenting!
It’s that simple! If time permits, you may be able to pitch more than one property.
Keep this link to access the Marketing Session:
Note: If you are new to GoToMeeting, get the app and join a little early to be ready when the meeting starts:
Members/Non-Members: FREE
Virtual (GoToMeeting)