Chapter Leader Encourages Local Business Leaders to Take Advantage of Local CCIM Expertise

Chapter Leader Encourages Local Business Leaders to Take Advantage of Local CCIM Expertise

Florida Chapter Vice President of Finance Stephen R. Rigl, MBA, SIOR, CCIM believes that smart business owners understand the basics of investment strategies.  Rigl, with the Binswanger-Gateway Partnership in Miami, encourages business owners to seek council of CCIMs as they grow their businesses.

“The guidance and insights gained by working with a CCIM are substantial,” explains Rigl.  “Working with a local expert with national insights will pay off quickly and help with long term strategy,” he adds.

Rigl recently shared the following article published by the Forbes Real Estate Council with his clients: and then takes the advice from the article one step further.

“Ask your local CCIM to analysis analyze your investments with these principles as a backdrop, you may be amazed what long term benefits can be projected,” he added.

In sharing the article Rigl reminds his clients and others that CCIMs keep investment real estate solutions coming to their clients in many ways.

“We are here to help. The Florida CCIM Chapter Members can be found via our website,  Give any us a call and find out today how your local CCIM expert can help you grow your business.”


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